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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Movie: One Last Thing

You might have walked past this 2005 movie at your local Blockbuster, saw the cover, and moved on, thinking it was just another teen sex comedy. It is nothing of the sort. I haven't been this pissed off at a movie's marketing strategy since 2000's "The Family Man" with Nic Cage. Both movies are wrongfully labeled comedies. ("The Family Man" even worse though, with a quote from UPN-TV in big bold letters on the cover reading "Hilarious!")

To quote IMDB's summary: One Last Thing..., "is the funny and heartbreaking story of Dylan and his mother, Carol, as they struggle with the boy's terminal illness. Invited onto local television by an organization that grants last wishes to dying children, Dylan surprises everyone by making an eyebrow-raising request. As Dylan gleefully prepares to have his final wish fulfilled, Carol struggles with the idea of losing the most precious thing in her life." Hilarious! Lets slab a half naked Sunny Mabrey on there and get this baby on the shelf. -sigh-

This movie is a real heart-tugger, with many people having to do with terminally ill Dylan's upcoming death including his mother, his friends, and even himself. You will also see that the Nikki (Mabrey) character is a much stronger person in the inside than the supermodel celebrity that she is on the outside...which is what the film company decided to focus on when choosing the cover art. It's like Magnolia Pictures didn't even watch the movie. Ughhh....but I've already mention that. It's just that it pisses me off so much. Last time I'll mention it, I swear...

Michael Angarano does a great job as the dying Dylan. You really get his character by the end of the movie. He's going to do anything he wants on his way out and doesn't care what obstacles are in his way. He'll make headlines embarrassing the Make-A-Wish foundation just to go on a date with a supermodel. He'll take his friends to NYC in search of Nikki and even hit a private club in the process. You have to remember that in the end he is still a kid. It just so happens this kid is dying, but he's trying to fulfill some of his last dreams before he is gone.

Now, some people have claimed this movie is a little anti-religious. I don't see it that way. Sure Dylan was bashing Christianity in the beginning of the movie, but by the end he sorta comes full circle. He goes from saying there is no heaven or hell to hoping that a certain place is his heaven, which it turns out to be. I think it is a little too trite to pass the whole movie off as a religion bash-fest. But, then again that is in the eye of the beholder.

One last thing (get it?), you may want to note Wyclef Jean's song "Heaven in NY" during the end credits. I hadn't thought a song was so perfectly placed since Gary Jules' version of "Mad World" in Donnie Darko. I was half-tempted to do a whole post on this song alone. And by no means am I a Wyclef fan. I can only name a few of his songs and none of them were necessarily great. However, this one is both catchy and meaningful, a double whammy if you will. You can't get the song anywhere yet, BUT I did manage to find, after much searching, an MP3 of it. You can e-mail me if you want it.

But, the main thing I want you to do is watch this movie. Don't just pass it up the next time you are in the video store. Hopefully this next time you will be a little more educated.

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