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Sunday, August 13, 2006

First Post! Woohoo!!!

Welcome! Perhaps you stumbled onto this blog by accident or, more likely, are one of my facebook friends/AIM buddies. Either way, you may wonder what the hell this blog is. Where most blogs tend to be daily journals about one's life, I am going to be a little different and do something a little more, um... me. I don't really do journals, so thats why past blogs never lasted a few weeks.

I do however love to recommend things to my friends. This may seem weird to some, but I recieve great satisfaction when I suggest a movie, a book, a website to a friend and they turn out to love it. Now, I don't mean to brag or anything, but I have a vast amount of knowledge in pop culture. (VH1's World Series of Pop Culture has nothing on me.) I like to think that I know a lot about movies, music, tv, etc. and therefore have reason to make such suggestions.

By doing this I hope to recommend things to those close to me on a larger scale. It may be movies, it may be websites, it might be something funny on YouTube. Who knows??? All I can tell you is that everything I tack on here is something I think you will enjoy. Yes, you...


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